

When Samantha first started doing yoga, it was just another form of exercise for her to lose weight. Little did she know that it would continue to serve her as a space of refuge. Yoga is now her lifelong commitment.

Yoga teacher training with Nithya Priyan School of Yoga at the end of 2021 was truly a self-reflective and meditative journey for Samantha. During and after the training, she felt a major shift in her own practice. She started to understand how Yoga is not just about achieving poses after poses, that it extended beyond the physical body and that the ancient yogic values go beyond the mat and into our daily lives.

Samantha truly believes that Yoga is for everyone, regardless of any age, background, shape or size. People around her had often cited reasons of "not being flexible enough" to try Yoga and she hopes to help people dispel this thought with her classes. They will be pitched at everyone's levels and you can be assured that it will be a safe space with no judgement but only compassion towards mind and body.