This Week In Nithya Priyan School of Yoga: Scorpion Pose

This Week In Nithya Priyan School of Yoga: Scorpion Pose

This week In Nithya Priyan School of Yoga, we are exploring the theme of Scorpian Pose, a family of poses comprising of strong contraction backbends that work your back shoulders, glutes, hamstrings, calves, and the entire back of your body! 

With the combination of flexibility work that will release stiffness in the front of your body and strengthening work that will activate your back muscle chain, we develop the movement of feet towards head, and head towards feet, energising your body and opening you up to improved breathing and posture. 

See you on the mats! 

This Week In Nithya Priyan School Of Yoga: Yogi Pretzels

This Week In Nithya Priyan School Of Yoga: Yogi Pretzels

This is the last week of our inaugural 27 week curriculum cycle in Nithya Priyan School of Yoga, and we are celebrating by turning ourselves into Yogi Pretzels! Explore the (in)famous poses of the practice that have given yogis a reputation for being contortionists, but in a safe and fun way. See you on the mats for this hip opening week! 

This Week In Nithya Priyan School Of Yoga: Drop Backs

This Week In Nithya Priyan School Of Yoga: Drop Backs

This week in Nithya Priyan School of Yoga, we put together standing backbends and wheel poses to explore one of the most dynamic movements in the practice: the drop back. This movement will condition your core and legs as it opens up your front body and mobilises your spine, but only if you overcome the psychological barrier! Definitely attend classes this week if you want to take your steps forward towards this beautiful movement. See you on the mats!

Joy in the Body : A Five Part Masterclass With Nithya Priyan

Joy in the Body :  A Five Part Masterclass With Nithya Priyan

Take a Birds-eye View of the entire School Curriculum in this Five Part Series, bringing a fresh perspective to your practice.

Workshop 1 : Forward Bends
Saturday May 26, 2018, 2pm - 4pm

Workshop 2 : Backbends
Saturday June 2, 2018, 2pm - 4pm

Workshop 3 : Twists
Saturday June 9, 2018, 2pm - 4pm

Workshop 4: Arm Balancing
Saturday June 16, 2018, 2pm - 4pm

Workshop 5: Inversions
Saturday June 23, 2018, 2pm - 4pm

This Week In Nithya Priyan School of Yoga: Handstand Hangtime

This Week In Nithya Priyan School of Yoga: Handstand Hangtime

This week in Nithya Priyan School of Yoga, Straight Arm Inversions require a stable and strong shoulder girdle and an activated core. Correct alignment and placement of wrists as the foundations of the inversion also needs to be understood for safe practice without undue risk of wrist or shoulder strain. Lastly, mobile and open shoulders and hips contribute to the ease of entering and exiting. From the staple pose of downward dog, we work our way up to a full Handstand this week! See you on the mats.

This Week in Nithya Priyan School of Yoga: Scissor Splits

This Week in Nithya Priyan School of Yoga: Scissor Splits

This week in Nithya Priyan School of Yoga, when you do a front split with the front leg abducted, you form the scissor splits. This shape is found in poses that range from the flexibility based Bird of Paradise, to the strong arm balance Eka Pada Koudinyasana II. Find, awaken, and condition the muscles that allow you to hold this shape while stretching and opening your hips to refine it. See you on the mats! 

This Week In Nithya Priyan School of Yoga: Leverage Backbend

This Week In Nithya Priyan School of Yoga: Leverage Backbend

This week in Nithya Priyan School of Yoga, the movement to flip your grip from a backhanded to an overhead grasp of your foot in deep leveraged back bending is explored. Leveraged backbends employ grasping and pulling to result in the most intense postures in yoga. Explore them safely this week employing variations and options that give you the space and support you need to stay in the experience of heart opening. See you on the mats! 

This Week In Nithya Priyan School of Yoga: Funky Arms

This Week In Nithya Priyan School of Yoga: Funky Arms

This week in Nithya Priyan School Of Yoga, asymmetrical arm support positions challenge your strength and balance and can be modified to add a twist to your regular arm balance or inversion. They help improve our proprioception as our bodies learn to compensate for the imbalanced foundation to restore equilibrium. See you on the mats!

This Week In Nithya Priyan School Of Yoga: Flying Lotus

This Week In Nithya Priyan School Of Yoga: Flying Lotus

This week in Nithya Priyan School of Yoga, we take flight from the humble Lotus Pose to balance and invert. That means that while this week's classes will focus on external hip rotation, we will also be working on foundational wrist, arm and shoulder alignment and strength. Your proprioception and inner focus will be tested as you seek your stability and firmness on the mat. See you!

Yoga Wheel Workshop With Nithya Priyan

Yoga Wheel Workshop With Nithya Priyan

A two part workshop where Priyan will guide you step by step towards establishing a correct and safe practice of working with the Yoga Wheel.

Part 1: Multi-level Backbends
Saturday 14th April, 2-4pm

Part 2: Intermediate Backbends, Arm Balancing and Inversions
Saturday 15th April, 2-4pm

Venue: Nithya Priyan School of Yoga, 235A South Bridge Rd, Singapore 058784

Price: $80 per session / $150 for both. 

Early bird offer - Paid in full by 31st March: $65 per session / $120 for both

Bring Your Own Wheel

This Week In Nithya Priyan School Of Yoga: Locust Backbends

This Week In Nithya Priyan School Of Yoga: Locust Backbends

This week in Nithya Priyan School of Yoga, downward facing backbends are also called Contraction Backbends as they work your back muscles to strongly extend the spine against gravity. The Locust shape is an engagement of largely the lower back and lower glutes, conditioning your back body and increasing spinal support and stability on and off the mat. First find the fundamentals in Basic Class before incorporating an arm balance aspect to the mix in Essential Class, then invert yourself in Intermediate Class this Week. See you on the mats!

This Week In Nithya Priyan School Of Yoga: Twist & Bind

This Week In Nithya Priyan School Of Yoga: Twist & Bind

This week in Nithya Priyan School of Yoga, adding a bind to your twist uses leverage to deepen the axial rotation of your pose as it opens your shoulders and outer hips, increasing the detoxifying potential of the deep abdominal compression achieved. It challenges your shoulder mobility and your ability to manage your breathing, but rewards you with a beautifully lengthened spine, creating space between each vertebrae. See you on the mats!

This Week In Nithya Priyan School Of Yoga: Foot to Armpit

This Week In Nithya Priyan School Of Yoga: Foot to Armpit

This week in Nithya Priyan School of Yoga, bringing your foot to your own armpit is a feat of flexibility that is testament to patience and persistent practice. This week we take our steps towards working on increasing the hip mobility required to someday achieve this pose. Many benefits gained along the way! See you on the mats.