Are you a graduate from the YTTC seeking opportunities to continue deepening your understanding of the school curriculum from a teaching perspective and take an active role in the community?
The Term Teaching Programme (TTP) is a 3 month programme meant to build on the foundations established from the 200 Hour YTTC, providing you the opportunity to conduct classes for the School, work with and connect with the Core Teaching Team, and gain valuable experience and knowledge within the framework of the 27 week structure.
It can be done alongside any other freelance or full-time jobs provided you have the availability to fulfil the Programme’s commitments, and will provide you the essential stepping stones towards gaining competency, confidence and experience in your role as Yoga Teacher.
Take the next step in your journey towards spreading Joy in the Body and Peace in the Heart.
Monthly participation in the School’s Teacher Meeting - where the themes and peak poses for the following month’s classes are broken down and discussed in detail to assist in your furthering the school’s curriculum, an opportunity to deepen your teaching competency.
1-4 weekly teaching opportunities conducting Essential level classes for the School’s community of yogis (Marked on Schedule as Essential (TTP) and conducted on weekday evenings and weekends.
Duration of a half curriculum (3 months) extendable to full curriculum cycle (6 months) if performing favourably.
Receive a completion certificate at the end of your term.
Include your participation in the TTP as part of your past experience in your resume or CV, and receive a Letter of Recommendation from the School.
This is a real teaching role supplemented with Continuing Education, and not an “Internship” or “Apprenticeship” scheme, therefore you will be remunerated for your classes conducted.
Graduates from the past batches of the Nithya Priyan School of Yoga 200 Hours Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Course.
Scored a minimum of 70 points in the Final Evaluation.
Available to conduct 1-4 classes during weekday evenings and weekends, as well as the monthly Teacher Meeting held on Sunday afternoon, with a commitment of 3 months.
To be awarded a completion certificate with claimable YACEP hours you will need a full attendance for the monthly Teacher Meetings and fulfilled all your teaching commitments.
To receive a letter of Recommendation you will need to demonstrate exemplary conduct and performance.
To receive renumeration you need to be a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident or have a valid Work Pass.
Apply for the Programme
This opportunity requires you to conduct real yoga classes for the paying community and you will be expected to conduct them in a professional and skilled manner with an unequivocal commitment of 3 months, maintaining the standards of the School.
Therefore there will be a shortlisting of suitable candidates to ensure they meet the level of quality required.
You will be notified after the closing date of the current cycle if you have been shortlisted, and might also be contacted in event that we need additional information.
Please fill in the following form completely to submit your application.
Priyan converses with celebrity Stephanie Bovis on wellness topics ranging from his Yoga Teacher Training Course methodology to the tradition of Advaita Vedanta.