Nithya Priyan School of Yoga

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New Location! Anchorpoint

We're thrilled to partner with the team at Anchorpoint Shopping Center, extending Joy in the Body and Peace in the Heart to the west of Singapore!

We're delighted to be in good company, alongside acclaimed lifestyle brands like Marmalade Pantry, Tiong Bahru Bakery, and Acai Brothers, helping turn this corner of the island into a hub of wellness and vibrant living.

As we take this step forward, our yogi family stays at the heart of our focus. We'll be keeping you in the loop, sharing updates as we progress with the new branch.

Thank you for being part of our journey! Stay tuned, and let's look forward to creating a space that embodies harmony, peace, and wellness together.


We now have a special page dedicated to the progress of the launch of our new expansion! Click here to be taken to the page.