Weekend With Mark Das
International Yoga Teacher Mark Das comes to Singapore from January 12th to 13th in 2019 to share his love for hand balancing with the Singapore Community of Yogis, and Nithya Priyan School of Yoga is honoured to be chosen as Mark’s platform for conducting his series of workshops.
Join us for a weekend of Handstands, Arm Balancing and Movement Styles designed for yogis and movement enthusiasts that want to significantly up-level their practice. Expect to explore movement in ways uncommon to most yoga classes.
Limited to 14 spots only.
Dates: January 12 & 13, 2019
Number of participants: max 14
Price per workshop: 120 SGD
Price for all workshops: 450 SGD
The Handstand Trinity
Get ready to experience a new relationship to gravity. Discover how to get into a handstand accurately, stay in it confidently, and get out safely. Explore exercises for injury prevention, understand applied shoulder anatomy, and make friends with your inner monkey.
Saturday 12 January, 2019, 10am - 1pm
The Movement Matrix
Open up to a new world of possibilities in your movement practice. With a focus on Animal Locomotion you will move your body as a fully integrated system. Delve into the world of joint mobility, explore non-linear movement patterns, and understand your body’s biomechanics.
Saturday 12 January 2019, 3 - 6pm
Arm Balance Ancestry
Embrace a systematic approach to unlock a wide range of arm balances. Learn about the foundational components and explore arm balances from a movement perspective. Gain an understanding of how each arm balance naturally progresses into the next.
Sunday 13 January 2019, 10am - 1pm
The Handstand Revolution
Elevate your handstand practice and feel a sense of freedom unique to hand-balancing. Learn a variety of handstand entries, holds, and head positions. To join this workshop it is recommended that you have a basic understanding of the freestanding handstand.
Sunday 13 January 2019, 3 - 6pm